Tuesday 19 July 2011

Dee Nickerson in her studio - The Harleston and Waveney Art Trail

Dee Nickerson is a wonderful artist. Her living and working space was open to visitors as part of the The Harleston and Waveney Art Trail, whereby artists in the Waveney Valley, around the Norfolk/Suffolk border, open their studios for three weekends in the summer (http://www.hwat.org.uk, though it's now over for 2011). Dee Nickerson works in a caravan on a farm in rural Suffolk. Some people might think it a difficult place to live, but actually it seems very comfortable, including a wood-burning stove, and with outside covered areas as well. There is a resident population of cats, ensuring there is always a subject!

I find her work uplifting, and she seems to produce one fantastic painting after another, apparently effortlessly, but we all know it isn't easy to do it well and be original. She has the ability to capture a moment of stillness in a way that Vermeer and Hopper achieved. Other paintings convey movement very well such as people running with dogs on a beach or a woman dashing to post a letter. She finds a way to include pictures within pictures, such as a view seen through a window, and finds ways of adding fascinating details such as unusual fabrics or the curls of steam from a mug of tea.

The open studio period is now finished until next year, but she also exhibits in several local Suffolk galleries, such as in Harleston, Bungay and Southwold. Judging by the number of red dots at her last exhibition in Southwold, her work clearly appeals to many people.


  1. I can see why Dee's work would appeal to many people it has a rather charming, easy on the eye, aesthetic.

  2. I have always wanted to thank you for this piece, it was very good of you and really does describe what i do very well. So thank you very much.
